Bike Choice - What Exactly to Look For

Popular methods of transport have altered in recent times. Cars were the king of the road, however we can now see a growing trend in the popularity of cycling as a main method of transport. This trend can be attributed to the idea of keeping things 'green' in a bid to take care of our planet. It doesn't hurt that gas is increasing in price either! Either way you will now find the roads filled with more cyclists than ever before. Perhaps you have been giving some thought to getting a bike yourself? If you have then there are several things you should look at when you do.

You need to make sure you pick a bike that is the right size. To do this, you will need to measure your inseam. Simply measure through your inner leg from your groin to the bottom of your foot to find out your inseam. You should ideally be able to place both feet on the ground when sitting in on your bike. This is mainly for safety and will allow you to use your feet to stop the bike without the brakes if needed.

You should always make sure to give the bike a test run before committing to buying it, though. It is important that you not buy anything before you’ve had the opportunity to ride it at least for a few minutes. This makes perfect sense because you know you'd never buy a car without test driving it first.

So you should use this same frame of mind when buying your bike. You need to do this especially if you are spending a lot of money on a bike read review that you know you will use for a long time. Make sure the bike is perfect for you. There shouldn't be a problem in making the decision on whether or not the bike is the right size for you, but you should also keep in mind that it needs to fit your riding style as well. You don't want make an investment on a bike that isn't going to feel good to ride.

Don’t forget to buy your safety gear. The new bicycle helmets look and feel nothing like the old bicycle helmets. Not only do they look a little better now, they are also safer for you. It is important that you never ride your bicycle without also wearing your helmet. You'd be surprised at how many lives have been saved from that one simple thing.

You might also consider investing in elbow, knee, wrist and ankle guards—especially if you are going to be going “off road” on your bicycle. If you plan to use your bike as a sole means of transportation, buy yourself some pants clips. They work by clipping your pants out of the way so they can't get tangled in the chain or gears.

You should keep these things in mind when you go out and buy a bicycle, especially if you want to find the one that is right for you. It can become a frustrating process at times to try and figure out exactly what bike you need and which accessories you should get to go with it. As long as you go about the process slowly and research a little before you go, you should have no problem finding the perfect bike.

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